Created by Jenny
She used Factal Explorer

Fractal created by Alida
She used Apophysis

Created by Jenny
Used Fractal Explorer

Julia Butterfly
Created by Krys
Used Aophysis

Like Butterflies
Fractal created by Krys
Used Apo and Je taime-script

  • Polygonia C-Album, the comma is a species of butterfly belonging to the family Nymphalidae. Its irregular wings' edges are characteristic of the Polygoni genus, which is why they are commonly called angelwings.r
  • This species prefers open woodland, wood edges, country lanes and gardens.
  • In the 19th century, the British population of the comma crashed, possibly as a result of reduced hop farming. From about 1930 the population recovered and the comma is now one of the more familiar butterflies in Southern England, and is also resident in Scotland and in North Wales.
  • There are visible so many different butterflies in Our Fractal Garden. that hard to count them;)

ThComma Butterfly
Photo taken by Jenny


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