Flower. Fractal created by Krys with Apophysis7 and a script written by Smolalit.
//smolalit.ru //script written by Smolalit | |
SaveFlame(INSTALLPATH + 'smolalit.flame'); | |
DeleteFile(INSTALLPATH + 'smolalit.flame'); | |
for M := 0 to Options.BatchSize - 1 do | |
begin | |
ShowStatus('Processing ' + IntToStr(M) + ' of ' + IntToStr(Options.BatchSize)); | |
RandomFlame(0); | |
BatchIndex := BatchIndex + 1; | |
Clear; | |
Flame.Width := 512; | |
Flame.Height := 512; | |
Flame.Gamma := 4; | |
Flame.Brightness := 7; | |
Flame.Scale := 29; | |
Flame.Pitch := 0; | |
Flame.Yaw := 0; | |
Flame.Perspective := 0; | |
Flame.DOF := 0; | |
Flame.x := 0; | |
Flame.y := 0; | |
{ Transform 1 } | |
AddTransform; | |
with Transform do | |
begin | |
linear := 0; | |
linear3D := 0; | |
flatten := 1; | |
gaussian_blur := 0.5; | |
Weight := 0.5 | |
color := random | |
end; | |
{ Transform 2 } | |
AddTransform; | |
with Transform do | |
begin | |
a := 1 + random/10; | |
b := 0 - random/10; | |
c := 0 - random/10; | |
d := 1; | |
e := 0; | |
f := 0; | |
linear := 1; | |
linear3D := 0; | |
spherical := random/10; | |
cross := random/2; | |
waves2 := 0.09 + random; | |
waves2_freqx := random*10/2; | |
waves2_freqy := 2; | |
waves2_freqz := 0; | |
waves2_scalex := -1; | |
waves2_scaley := -1; | |
waves2_scalez := 0; | |
pdj := 0.2 + random/2; | |
pdj_a := -0.508728; | |
pdj_b := -1.95671; | |
pdj_c := -0.209485; | |
pdj_d := -1.63763; | |
Weight := 5; | |
color := random; | |
translate (0,-random/2); | |
Rotate(random*360); | |
Scale(1+random/3); | |
end; | |
{ Final Transform } | |
SetActiveTransform(transforms); | |
Flame.FinalXformEnabled := True; | |
with Transform do begin | |
linear := 0; | |
linear3D := 0; | |
julia3D :=2 | |
julia3D_power := -2 | |
end; | |
Flame.Name:= 'smolalit-' + DateCode + '-' + IntToStr(BatchIndex); | |
BatchIndex := BatchIndex; | |
SaveFlame(INSTALLPATH + 'smolalit.flame'); | |
end; | |
ListFile(INSTALLPATH + 'smolalit.flame'); | |
UpdateFlame := True; |
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