Proud flower;) commonly known as hollyhock. Alcea rosea is a pennial plant which grows to 2,4 m. And you understand everything:)
Alcea rosea was imported into Europe from southwestern China during, or before, the 15th centry.
Edible parts of the plan: flowers, leaves, root, oil.
Edible uses: oil, tea.
Young leaves - raw or cooked. Leaves can also be chopped up finely and added to salads. Inner portion of young stems - raw. Flower petals and flower buds - raw. Added to salads. Tea is made from the flower petal.
Medicine uses: Antiinflammatory; Astringent; Demulcent; Diuretic; Emollient; Febrifuge.
The roots and the flowers are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are said to have a sweet, acrid taste and a neutral potency. They are used in the treatment of inflammations of the kidneys/womb, vaginal/seminal discharge, and the roots on their own are used to treat loss of appetite. The seed is demulcent, diuretic and febrifuge.
Hollyhock Photo taken by Jenny |
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