Fractal created by Jenny
She used Fractal Explorer
 | Heather Fractal created by Krys She used Incendia
 | Calluna vulgaris Fractal created by Jenny She used Fractal Explorer
Calluna vulgaris is common known as heather. It's a low growing pennial shrub (20 - 50 centimeters) in Europe and Asia, in open, sunny places and in the shade.
 | Heather Photo taken by Jenny |
- Meaning. Heather represents beaty, admiration, good luck
- Celtic meaning: Druids and ancien Celts were superb botanists. The heather was for them a great cleansing agengt breaking up blockages found in the body. The heather means also: luck, purity, beauty.
- White heather is a taken of good luck, protection from danger
 | White haether Photo taken by Jenny |
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